Our Achievements
Leaders in market-based mechanisms for sustainability
Sustainable Business Network Award for Restorative Innovation
In recognition of our work financing biodiversity conservation through forest carbon projects.
Rainforest conservation carbon projects in the Pacific Islands
We led the technical elements of the first rainforest carbon projects in Fiji, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands.
We also played the role of lead policy and technical consultants to the governments of Fiji and Vanuatu during the development of their national forest carbon programmes.
Ekos-SD and BioCredita
We have built a market-based mechanism for delivering the UN-Sustainable Development Goals (including, but not limited to biodiversity). This is the Ekos Sustainable Development programme (Ekos-SD). The first Ekos-SD programme is BioCredita (biodiversity credits) and will be launched in 2024.
Ekos Carbon Management Standard v3.0: Ekos upgraded our carbon certification rules for our Carbon Management programme for organisations.
Book Chapter: 'Forests climate change and indigenous knowledge. Reflecting indigenous ontologies in the economics of restoration'. Publisher: Springer.
Academic Paper: 'Carbon financed natural regeneration' in the New Zealand Journal of Forestry.
Academic Paper: 'Climate forestry and national climate policy' in the New Zealand Journal of Forestry.
Academic Paper: 'Investment barriers to indigenous forest climate solutions' in the New Zealand Journal of Forestry.
Academic Paper: 'Carbon financed conservation forestry' in the New Zealand Journal of Forestry.
Ekos Carbon Management Standard v1.0. Validated to the following standards: ISO 14040:2006/14044:2006; EN 15804 and ISO 21930:2017; ISO/TS 14064-1; ISO 14020:2000; ISO 14025:2010; ISO 17065:2012; ISO 19011:2018
Thought Leadership
Conference Presentations: Presented at the following conferences: Carbon Forestry Conference; Environmental Forestry Conference; Marlborough Climate Action Week; VUW Ecological Restoration Conference; Red Meat Sector Conference; Delivering Sustainability and Climate Reporting Conference.Presented at the following conferences: Carbon Forestry Conference; Environmental Forestry Conference; Marlborough Climate Action Week; VUW Ecological Restoration Conference; Red Meat Sector Conference; Delivering Sustainability and Climate Reporting Conference.
Policy Leadership: Played a leadership role in the national debate on indigenous forests vs exotic forests in the NZETS.
Conference Presentation: Presented at the Carbon Forestry Conference and the Decarbonising NZ Conference.
Conference Presentations: Presented at the following conferences: Carbon Forestry Conference; EDS Conference; Aspire Conference (Nelson); Sustainable Healtcare and Climate Health; Decarbonising NZ Conference; CALLANZ.
Conference Presentations: Presented at the following conferences: ANZ Emissions Reduction Summit; CEP Christchurch; Net Zero Carbon Workshop; One Stop Accounting - Christchurch
Conference Presentations: Presented at the following conferences: The Emissions Workshop; One Stop Accounting - Christchurch Conference.
Traded Biodiversity Credits
BioCredita Test Transaction: Completed the first test transaction of biodiversity credits for the BioCredita Programme. First seller: Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari. First buyer: Profile Group Ltd.
Traded Biodiversity Credits: Transacted biodiversity credits for the first time - in the form of Habitat Hectare Units from the Rarakau Rainforest Conservation Project, and the Loru Forest Project.
Sustainable Development Exchange (Ekos-SD): Designed and developed the Ekos Sustainable Development Programme (Ekos-SD) and its first sectoral programme BioCredita. Ekos-SD is a market-based mechanism to fund projects delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including (but not limited to) biodiversity. It includes a standard, methodological guidance, a registry, validation and verification protocols.
Nakau Programme: Co-founded and co-designed the Nakau Programme - a forest carbon programme for the Pacific Islands. Ekos led the technical elements of programme design and carbon accounting methodologies validated to the Plan Vivo Standard. This work was undertaken in partnership with Live and Learn International and Nakau - both were great teams to work with.
Adaptation Benefit Mechanism: Co-designed the Adaptation Benefit Mechanism for the African Development Bank. This is a market-based mechanism for climate change adaptation and resilience.
Award Winner
Restorative Innovation: Won the 'Restorative Innovation' section of the Sustainable Business Network Awards. This was for the Rarakau Rainforest Carbon Project, which was the first forest conservation carbon project in NZ to be registered to the international carbon markets.
International Validation & Verification
International Verification: Second verification of the Rarakau Rainforest Carbon Project, including upgrading to the Plan Vivo Standard (UK).
International Verification: Led the successful validation, verification, and credit issuance of the Babatana Rainforest Carbon Project, Choiseul, Solomon Islands in partnership with Nakau which Ekos formerly co-owned. This was the first forest carbon project in the Solomon Islands.
International Verification: Led the successful validation, verification, and credit issuance of the Loru Forest Carbon Project, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu. This was in partnership with Nakau which Ekos co-founded and formerly co-owned. This was the first forest carbon project in Vanuatu. This project went on to win the UN Equator Prize in 2019.
International Verification: Led the successful validation, verification, and credit issuance of the Drawa Rainforest Carbon Project, Vanua Levu, Fiji. This was in partnership with Nakau which Ekos co-founded and formerly co-owned. This was the first rainforest carbon project in Fiji. In 2015, the Drawa project won the SPREP-SPC Award for Excellence in Implementing Island Ecosystem Management Principles. In 2020, it won the 2020 International Energy Globe Award for Fiji. Both of these awards were due to the excellent work of Nakau in supporting these rural communities.
International Validation: Designed the Nakau Avoided Deforestation (AD-DtPF) Methodology. Validated to the Plan Vivo Standard.
International Validation: Designed the Nakau Improved Forest Management (IFM-DtTF) Methodology. Validated to the Plan Vivo Standard.
International Validation: Rarakau Rainforest Carbon Project validated to the ISO 14064-2 Standard, validated by DNV-GL, and registered in Markit Environmental Registry (NY).
International Validation: Designed the Nakau Improved Forest Management (IFM-LtPF) Methodology. Validated to the Plan Vivo Standard.
International Validation: Co-designed the Nakau Methodology Framework - a high-level module for forest carbon project development in the Pacific Islands. Validated to the Plan Vivo Standard. Co-design partner: Live and Learn Environmental Education.
International Validation: Developed the Rarakau Methodology for Improved Forest Management in New Zealand. Validated to the ISO 1464-2 standard.
Ekos Founded
Ekos Founded: Ekos founded by Sean Weaver under the original name: Carbon Partnership Ltd.