Biodiversity Credits
Verified biodiversity conservation projects funded through biodiversity credits or direct payments
Ekos SD Programme
What are Ekos SD sustainable development units?
The Ekos SD Programme, Sustainable Development Units (SDUs) are measurable and verified units created to fund and support projects aligned with the UNSDGs, allowing initiatives like biodiversity conservation or land protection to quantify their impact and secure financial backing through tradeable units.
What is the Ekos SD Biocredita Programme?
Within the Ekos SD Programme is the BioCredita programme, which focuses on SDG 15 (Life on Land) by breaking down the cost of protecting land, such as pest control and maintenance, into affordable 100m² units, enabling individuals to invest directly in biodiversity conservation and make a tangible, positive impact.
The Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari project is a Biocredita project. Learn more about the project and its importance here.
Biodiversity Credit Supplies
In recent years Ekos has been developing the BioCredita programme to support biodiversity conservation projects that require on-going funding to either restore biodiversity habitat, or protect existing habitat that would otherwise degrade with out conservation management.
We will soon have our first demonstration project ready to supply biodiversity credits to those seeking an Ekos carbon certification (e.g., Carbon Conscious, Climate Positive), for your ESG or TNFD reporting, or for those simply seeking to support biodiversity conservation by purchasing biodiversity credits. Watch this space.
Later in 2024 we will open up the BioCredita programme to new projects, so watch this space then also.
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari
The standard for the BioCredita Programme is the Ekos-SD Standard. ‘SD’ stands for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Ekos-SD Standard covers all requirements for project development, verification, and credit issuance
Biodiversity Projects
BioCredita projects fulfil all requirements of the Ekos-SD Standard to develop a combined Business Plan/Management Plan that gets 3rd-party validated (audited) to the Ekos-SD Standard
Annual Project Monitoring Reports are 3rd-party verified by an Ekos-approved verifier to prove that the claimed project benefits have been delivered
Biodiversity Credits are issued in the Ekos-SD Registry. The Registry ensures that project data is tamper-proof, transparent, and publicly disclosed
We will be ready to work with new projects soon… watch this space
Project Documentation
The project development process uses the Ekos-SD Standard and methodological guidance to create all project documentation and evidence of the benefits delivered by the project.
Projects can be structured in one of two ways:
Management Biodiversity Credits: Measured, reported and verified biodiversity conservation management. For example, invasive pest and weed control necessary to restore and protect biodiversity habitat.
Ecosystem Biodiversity Credits: Measured, reported and verified quantitative beneficial change in ecosystem metrics (e.g., increases in number of species present) resulting from conservation management interventions delivered by the project.
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