Drawa Rainforest Conservation Project
The Forest
Protecting 4,120 ha of tropical rainforest on Vanua Levu, Fiji. A pristine home for the endangered Fiji Ground Frog (Platymantis vitiana), and several other endemic plant and animal species. This rainforest also provides valuable protection from cyclones, floods and droughts for the Drawa local and those living downstream in their catchment.
The People
This project is owned by the indigenous Fjiian landowners at Drawa, Vanua Levu, Fiji. The landowner population of 450 people spread over three villages is represented by the Drawa Block Forest Community Cooperative - the legal entity that owns the forests in question.
These landowners have given up rights to logging timber in exchange for the opportunity to sell rainforest carbon offsets and forest honey as a way of generating revenue for local economic development.
The Location
Drawa Rainforest Conservation Project is located in Fiji, on the Island of Vanua Levu.
Technical Stuff
Drawa Rainforest Conservation Project
Project Name
4,120 ha
Project Area
Drawa Block Forest Communities Cooperative Ltd
Project Owner
Nakau (community coordination lead) & Ekos (technical lead)
Project Developer
Drawa, Vanua Levu, Fiji
Project Location
Continuation of conventional logging
Baseline Scenario
Permanent forest protection
Project Scenario
Improved Forest Management: logged to protected forest (IFM-LtPF)
Activity Type
Carbon sequestration; avoided carbon emissions; biodiversity conservation; water quality protection; climate resilience
Project Benefits
Not applicable
Trees Planted
165,350 tCO2e
Carbon Credits Issued
Carbon Credit Standard
CPMA; Shawn McMahon
Carbon Credit Registry
Sold out; awaiting next issuance; expected in Q4 2024
Carbon Credit Status
Follow The Money
Rainforest conservation costs money. The main cost elements are:
Opportunity costs: Logging revenue that they had to give up in order to protect this forest.
Conservation management costs such a control of invasives.
Measurement, reporting and verification costs of an internationally certified project.
Carbon credit revenue goes to cover these costs.
Drawa Block Forest Community Cooperative Governing Board
Partnership For Nature
Ekos served as technical lead for the development of this project. This was a fruitful partnership between Nakau, Live & Learn International, and the local community. Ekos also co-founded Nakau along with Live and Learn International, but we are no longer a shareholder.
The project would not have been possible without each contributor to this partnership for nature.